Hi gang,
Seems like its mostly Dean and I posting lately, so I created an alternate site: EASRC
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Confessions of an Styrofoam Junkie
I admit it, I'm addicted. As we progress further in this hobby, I'm finding that a few scrap pieces of foam, some hot glue, and a few servos can create an airplane almost as fast as I can destroy it.
Some video of my Japanese Zero, built over the course of 2 evenings. Flies great!!
Some video of my Japanese Zero, built over the course of 2 evenings. Flies great!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
P-38 Film Clip
Did a little flying with Dean today at the field by the storage place. Dean took some shots of my P-38 in action and I edited it together as a mini film. Just something to show ya'll that it does actually fly!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The F4U Corsair (Pamela Jean)
I have always loved remotes, anything that I can operate with a remote I am happy. My wife knows this all to well, from ever light in our home being remotely operated,to all the remote controlled toys I have around the house. My wife has always bought me for Christmas and birthday's some small remote toy. But last Christmas she bought me a large remote controlled Helicopter and that did it, sense then I have gotten into Rc airplanes. and my wife brought me a T28 trojan for my birthday, after that I started building planes from kits, My latest is a F4u Corsair that I have dedicated to my wife, by calling it the Pamela Jean. Thanks Dear!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Since the last post:
Dan's P-38 was rebuilt and successfully flown twice befor

Dean built a Yak flatout foamy and smashed it several times before flying the hell out of it. He then destroyed it after a few more flights, and put together another of these inexpensive 3D planes.
As the days get shorter (and soccer season is in full swing), we have
Dean is just about finished his Corsair...and did a sweet job on it, can't wait to see it in the air.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
P-38 "Maiden Vermont" preflight pic

Ok, for those of you not present for the maiden flight of my beautiful (if I do say so myself) P-38, you missed one of the most spectacular conversions of RC airplane-to-pile of debris field ever. Dean will post the after effects shots soon, I just didn't have the guts to take pics after. I do have a nice shot of the completed model to share here though.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Idle hands..........
.......Just because I haven't been flying lately does not mean I haven't been in the lab experimenting.
they all laughed at me...thought I was crazy. But soon they would see my brilliance and mock me no more because............I had perfected the technique no one else could....... then I will be the one laughing HaHaHaHaHaHaHahahahahahaa.............
they all laughed at me...thought I was crazy. But soon they would see my brilliance and mock me no more because............I had perfected the technique no one else could....... then I will be the one laughing HaHaHaHaHaHaHahahahahahaa.............
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Update 2: CVMRC Rocket Launch

Update 1: Go fly a kite!
It has been quite awhile since I've posted, despite a lot of activity with the flying hobby. Dean and I still manage to fly just about every day that the weather is accommodating. The recent string of storms has been a pain, but there's still a few "windows" available just about every day.
Today is real windy, but Dean still managed to fly something:
Today is real windy, but Dean still managed to fly something:
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
E-Mail from my cousin
Howdy everyone!
The following is an e-mail form my cousin in New York. He is a talented machinist in the real world and an RC'r on the side. In his "spare" time he builds some pretty neat things. The pictures that follow the e-mail paste are some of them....
Curt. Brother Rick turned me onto your site for the flying club! Good to see kuz has similar interests! The above attachments are of a motor mount I fabricated for a guy in our club! This is a electified GEE BEE! AXI powered! here is a link to our club! http://www.mhrcs.com/ , our club is a large one considering our area , we have a flight training program for begginers , our head count is around 100 people , but as you know there is the 10% active ratio! We also have a group of sailplane guys, and lots of electrics (park flyers and the such)! Our club is also responsible for the infamous RHINEBECK JAMBOREE for the last 42 years ! If your gang gets a chance ya should go to this event both rc modellers and full scale antiques fly in a 3 day event! Go to or club site and check out pics, Good to see ya got brenda doig filming TOO! Its only been recent that I've been able to get flight traing in do to some health issues( VERTIGO side effects have kept me grounded ,but we are past that) . Check out some of the old newsletters too! I was the editor for 2 years, the membership director for to and now alls I do is mow,(which I've done for the last 4). Hope to hear from ya GORILLA GLUE MAN! MARK PATTI AND the KIDZ!

The following is an e-mail form my cousin in New York. He is a talented machinist in the real world and an RC'r on the side. In his "spare" time he builds some pretty neat things. The pictures that follow the e-mail paste are some of them....
Curt. Brother Rick turned me onto your site for the flying club! Good to see kuz has similar interests! The above attachments are of a motor mount I fabricated for a guy in our club! This is a electified GEE BEE! AXI powered! here is a link to our club! http://www.mhrcs.com/ , our club is a large one considering our area , we have a flight training program for begginers , our head count is around 100 people , but as you know there is the 10% active ratio! We also have a group of sailplane guys, and lots of electrics (park flyers and the such)! Our club is also responsible for the infamous RHINEBECK JAMBOREE for the last 42 years ! If your gang gets a chance ya should go to this event both rc modellers and full scale antiques fly in a 3 day event! Go to or club site and check out pics, Good to see ya got brenda doig filming TOO! Its only been recent that I've been able to get flight traing in do to some health issues( VERTIGO side effects have kept me grounded ,but we are past that) . Check out some of the old newsletters too! I was the editor for 2 years, the membership director for to and now alls I do is mow,(which I've done for the last 4). Hope to hear from ya GORILLA GLUE MAN! MARK PATTI AND the KIDZ!

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Sarah Returns as Honorary Member of EAFC
Sarah Watson stopped by EAS for a visit on Saturday. She said to say hi to everyone and to give a great BIG thanks to Dean "Crash It" Scott for letting her fly his new T-28 Navy Trainer.

Dean wasn't at quarters at the time so Sarah wasn't able to ask him if she could fly it, but we all said we were sure he wouldn't mind. And even though she's never flown an RC plane before, she did fine, its just too bad I wasn't able to get a picture of the inverted pass she made just inches above the parking lot. Great to see you again Sarah!

Dean wasn't at quarters at the time so Sarah wasn't able to ask him if she could fly it, but we all said we were sure he wouldn't mind. And even though she's never flown an RC plane before, she did fine, its just too bad I wasn't able to get a picture of the inverted pass she made just inches above the parking lot. Great to see you again Sarah!

A Time To Reflect
My brother sent this link to me last year and I wanted to share it with you. I watch it from time to time and am always touched by the underlying message. I hope that you enjoy the humor and equally appreciate what this video has to say to our hearts.
For me, Independance Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day always touch me with a deep thankfullness for those who have served. Each of us have grown up through different times, through different wars. Each of us probably know someone who has, or is serving our country. Please take the time to thank them for their service.
Please share this video with others. Not only on Independance Day, but share this every day. Not everyone agrees with the political decisions of our country but everyone needs to agree with supporting those who protect our freedom.
For me, Independance Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day always touch me with a deep thankfullness for those who have served. Each of us have grown up through different times, through different wars. Each of us probably know someone who has, or is serving our country. Please take the time to thank them for their service.
Please share this video with others. Not only on Independance Day, but share this every day. Not everyone agrees with the political decisions of our country but everyone needs to agree with supporting those who protect our freedom.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Before And After
After getting the T-28 Trojan for my birthday I was very scared to fly it, but after a few flights I fell in love with it . It is a great plane , very fast and hard to land. I have been practicing coming in low and slow, so my last flight last night I tried to come in low over the road but forgot about the POWER LINES #@&*@#&
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Last night we had a visit from the ROCKET MAN Tom Oliver who brought a couple of his large rockets ( 7 feet tall + ) We tried the camera on it but we lost reception at high altitude. Need to get a bigger antenna?? anyway it was a great show. I thank Tom for the visit and the coaching (snap rolls , inverted flight) and hope to see him soon back flying. Here is the video I put together of what we got.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
EAA Film
Here's a little movie I put together of an EAA fly-day at Shelburne. It mostly features my son Ethan as he gets a flight with his "mentor", Capt. Frank Gibney. Ethan apparently flew most of the flight. I'm proud to say he leaves tomorrow for a weeklong camp experience at EAA's home base in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He was the recipient of Vermont's only scholarship to this school. Proud Dad!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Time to have another BBQ!
Short notice, but I thought this Saturday evening would be a good time to BBQ and Fly again. Weather is supposed to be good all weekend.
So if anyone is around, Saturday evening around 5-6p for dinner? Flying until dark- or until the Gorilla Glue runs out!
Also, post ideas for dates/times to get together over the summer. Hopefully we can do something like this on a regular basis.
If you have ideas for "polls" let me know. Send me the question/answers and I'll post them. Unless you can figure out how to do it from your access......I'm still trying to figure out all this blog-stuff.
So if anyone is around, Saturday evening around 5-6p for dinner? Flying until dark- or until the Gorilla Glue runs out!
Also, post ideas for dates/times to get together over the summer. Hopefully we can do something like this on a regular basis.
If you have ideas for "polls" let me know. Send me the question/answers and I'll post them. Unless you can figure out how to do it from your access......I'm still trying to figure out all this blog-stuff.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Memorial Day 2008 CRASH FEST
Alright...after 8+ hours of screwing around with the software and uploads, I did it!
Clips from our Memorial Day BBQ. Sorry I didn't get footage of all flights/people flying. We'll work out the bugs with videography as we go.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Overloaded Wing or Lawn Dart
I'm seeing a pattern with my posts...they seem to contain pictures of my beloved Wild Hawk in pieces. I suppose I should post at least something assuring you that these damages are being repaired regularly. The last one was rather simple. This one will take some puzzle-making skills.

This one happened during the most enjoyable and relaxing flight. I returned to St. Albans around 8:45 Sunday night after doing some trout fishing with my son Ethan. The air was very still in town so I pulled into Collins-Perly and took her up. I flew for 10-15 minutes at about 200', just doing some circles and eights. I started doing some sharp turns (practicing turning without stalling) when suddenly the right wing just folded up. The plane instantly lawn-darted to the ground with the above seen damage. The entire top part of the central fuselage came off, the motor pod broke from that, the area near the front cowl where the switches are located disintegrated, and of course, the right wing snapped in two.
I do expect to have it back in the air no later than Tuesday, so no big deal, unless of course there is some damage to the electronics.
Have a good one, and I would love to see/hear about some of everyone else's flying escapades too!

This one happened during the most enjoyable and relaxing flight. I returned to St. Albans around 8:45 Sunday night after doing some trout fishing with my son Ethan. The air was very still in town so I pulled into Collins-Perly and took her up. I flew for 10-15 minutes at about 200', just doing some circles and eights. I started doing some sharp turns (practicing turning without stalling) when suddenly the right wing just folded up. The plane instantly lawn-darted to the ground with the above seen damage. The entire top part of the central fuselage came off, the motor pod broke from that, the area near the front cowl where the switches are located disintegrated, and of course, the right wing snapped in two.
I do expect to have it back in the air no later than Tuesday, so no big deal, unless of course there is some damage to the electronics.
Have a good one, and I would love to see/hear about some of everyone else's flying escapades too!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Modifications to "Frankenstein"
Actually, I did do something constructive today besides song writing.
I tried to one-up Dan with adding surface area to my rudder. I used the same material he did, but also increased the surface area of the elevators as well. So I added about an additional 1/3 of the surface area. Should be enough to make a noticable diference without makeing 90 degree course adjustments.
Hoefully will try it out Monday or Tuesday.
I tried to one-up Dan with adding surface area to my rudder. I used the same material he did, but also increased the surface area of the elevators as well. So I added about an additional 1/3 of the surface area. Should be enough to make a noticable diference without makeing 90 degree course adjustments.
Hoefully will try it out Monday or Tuesday.
Rainy Day Blues (hum a basic blues rif in your head)
...Woke up in the mornin'....
Wind was blowin' hard......
....Didn't dare to fly the plane
'cause i know I 'd crash it hard....
...Went down to the Ambulance Bay....
Oh..What a dreary day...
..Took a look at my plane....
It resembled misery and pain..
..Didn't know what to do,
'cause I was all out a Gorilla Glue....
...Looked around the room...
Found some supplies...
...Some scissors and tape...
It started to look great....
...Now I'm ready to start flyin....
But then I started cryin'...........BECAUSE....
I'VE GOT THE RAINY DAY BLUES..........................
Wind was blowin' hard......
....Didn't dare to fly the plane
'cause i know I 'd crash it hard....
...Went down to the Ambulance Bay....
Oh..What a dreary day...
..Took a look at my plane....
It resembled misery and pain..
..Didn't know what to do,
'cause I was all out a Gorilla Glue....
...Looked around the room...
Found some supplies...
...Some scissors and tape...
It started to look great....
...Now I'm ready to start flyin....
But then I started cryin'...........BECAUSE....
I'VE GOT THE RAINY DAY BLUES..........................
Good News....and Bad News
Well, I figured out that with a little practice, the Wild Hawk can fly inverted. It actually flies pretty well that way. The bad news is that its hard to figure out how to "un-invert" the darn thing. See the results below.
The damage: Broken horizontal stabilizer, broken motor mount pod, prop assembly came apart but didn't break, several scrapes on the top of the plane. Gorilla glue time!

Online Purchases
Hi Gang,
I found a website that lists available codes to save money whenever buying stuff from online companies. As that is something we tend to be doing more and more often as we get more into this hobby, I thought you'd like to have the site address. It is www.retailmenot.com.
When you get to the site, type in the search bar the name of the place you'd like to order from (ie. raidentech) and it will list the coupon codes available. They are not all guaranteed to work, just a list of ones that have worked for other people. I did notice that the infamous "CJFREESHIPPING" is listed under Raidentech.
Good luck and happy flying!
I found a website that lists available codes to save money whenever buying stuff from online companies. As that is something we tend to be doing more and more often as we get more into this hobby, I thought you'd like to have the site address. It is www.retailmenot.com.
When you get to the site, type in the search bar the name of the place you'd like to order from (ie. raidentech) and it will list the coupon codes available. They are not all guaranteed to work, just a list of ones that have worked for other people. I did notice that the infamous "CJFREESHIPPING" is listed under Raidentech.
Good luck and happy flying!
Friday, May 30, 2008
New Camera
Received my new camera and mounted it to the front of the cub. Still have some interference from something????It was getting late when the winds died down tonight but here is the first video.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
First aerial video!!
While it may have been a bit impulsive, the urge to see what would happen overcame us over the weekend when Ethan and I decided to strap his mini video camera to my plane. It took a little tweaking to get the mount just right, but as you will see in the following video clip, the results were worth it.
The clip is a compilation of 4 or 5 flights with both Ethan and I piloting. We found that the camera's auto exposure setting exposed for the bright sky at the expense of the ground, and we ended up with a lot of the sky (which has little reference points and is thus not very interesting) and a dark ground. (The purplish diamond shape in some of the shots is the center of the sun auto blocked by the camera). The way we mounted the camera simulated an "out the windshield" view. We couldn't use this mounting and get a "down looking" view without more extensive mods (which we weren't going to do at this impulsive moment). I'm sure that much better results will be had with Dean's soon-to-arrive mini cam dedicated to aerial video.
BTW, as you can see in the video, the plane smacked into my daughter April. Ethan was flying (no really, he was!!) and he was making some really low, slow passes, trying to catch shots of us on the ground. The wingtip caught April's outstretched arm. She's fine, as was the plane and the camera. If you pause the video just before impact you'll see a precious "Oh Sh*t!" look on (pilot) Ethan's face who was standing right next to April at the time.
PS. I would like to propose a nickname for my son Ethan. His family nickname is E-man. In light of his stellar flying (the above clip not withstanding, I'd like to propose Air-man... which I think is his rank in the CAP as well.
The clip is a compilation of 4 or 5 flights with both Ethan and I piloting. We found that the camera's auto exposure setting exposed for the bright sky at the expense of the ground, and we ended up with a lot of the sky (which has little reference points and is thus not very interesting) and a dark ground. (The purplish diamond shape in some of the shots is the center of the sun auto blocked by the camera). The way we mounted the camera simulated an "out the windshield" view. We couldn't use this mounting and get a "down looking" view without more extensive mods (which we weren't going to do at this impulsive moment). I'm sure that much better results will be had with Dean's soon-to-arrive mini cam dedicated to aerial video.
BTW, as you can see in the video, the plane smacked into my daughter April. Ethan was flying (no really, he was!!) and he was making some really low, slow passes, trying to catch shots of us on the ground. The wingtip caught April's outstretched arm. She's fine, as was the plane and the camera. If you pause the video just before impact you'll see a precious "Oh Sh*t!" look on (pilot) Ethan's face who was standing right next to April at the time.
PS. I would like to propose a nickname for my son Ethan. His family nickname is E-man. In light of his stellar flying (the above clip not withstanding, I'd like to propose Air-man... which I think is his rank in the CAP as well.
Memorial Day Pics
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend Crash Fest
As the sun sets on this wonderful weekend, I couldn't be happier about the success of our first club gathering.
The evening was beautiful, the food was good and there was much entertainment watching the various flights that took place. What really made the event was our presence of mind to actually video tape some of the fly time. Hopefully the video will make it through editing and be up on the site very soon.
Peter "Spaceman" Tulgren made multiple launches throughout the evening- to include- one lawn dart, one roof landing and actualy a complete launch and hand catch that we caught on videotape!
Josh had two "Firsts" tonight. His first radio control flight of his brand new sail plane! Unfortunatly this was soon followed by his first crash.........soon to be released on video as well. He was counceled on the virtues of Gorilla Glue and should be flying again soon.
The "Flying Frenchman" had a better time than his most recent attempts at remaining airborne. His first Hop tonight went fairly well. But as with all of us, his increased confidence led him down the path of self distruction. Several flights later, I had lost track of where he was. Soon enough I had found him inside with his Gorilla Glue- piecing the puzzle back together.
I myself flew next. Still not kowing exactly what I am doing, but making it look good. It is amazing how loud a "Thud" styrofoam makes 50 feet away from you........I proved his several times tonight.
"Digger" (Dan Parent) unveiled his newly engineered propeller system (cobbed from another plane and epoxy'd in place!?!?!) and was fairly successful with it. I admire his self control with the throttle and ability to stay aloft gliding rather than under power.
Ethan (Dan's son) wow'd us with some smooth sailing with his plane. Several flights throughout the night and I think he is the only one who did not crash.
Dean "Crash-It" Scott- flew his cub with the latest edition of electronics added. I am totally amazed that he maintains enough power to fly with all of the added electronic gizmo's in place. None the less, his distinctive prop buzzing was heared zipping all around doing some low level passes and even a loop or two.
Much to our amazement, we actually had 4 planes in the air at one time tonight. And this actually lasted more than just a few seconds. Although Dan had some control issues and his plane started wandering towards Bakersfield........Clem sort of kept to himself in a tight spiral at the back of the field, actually it was a good flight for him. And during all of this Dean and I tried to torment each other. I actually heard Dean making machine gun noises as he dropped in behind me and lined me in his sights.....until I thwarted his attempt by crashing my plane! I do believe I heard him laughing as he circled above the wreckage.
I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. It is nice to have the opportunity to share in something this fun with my family and friends.
Until the next "Hop"...................
The evening was beautiful, the food was good and there was much entertainment watching the various flights that took place. What really made the event was our presence of mind to actually video tape some of the fly time. Hopefully the video will make it through editing and be up on the site very soon.
Peter "Spaceman" Tulgren made multiple launches throughout the evening- to include- one lawn dart, one roof landing and actualy a complete launch and hand catch that we caught on videotape!
Josh had two "Firsts" tonight. His first radio control flight of his brand new sail plane! Unfortunatly this was soon followed by his first crash.........soon to be released on video as well. He was counceled on the virtues of Gorilla Glue and should be flying again soon.
The "Flying Frenchman" had a better time than his most recent attempts at remaining airborne. His first Hop tonight went fairly well. But as with all of us, his increased confidence led him down the path of self distruction. Several flights later, I had lost track of where he was. Soon enough I had found him inside with his Gorilla Glue- piecing the puzzle back together.
I myself flew next. Still not kowing exactly what I am doing, but making it look good. It is amazing how loud a "Thud" styrofoam makes 50 feet away from you........I proved his several times tonight.
"Digger" (Dan Parent) unveiled his newly engineered propeller system (cobbed from another plane and epoxy'd in place!?!?!) and was fairly successful with it. I admire his self control with the throttle and ability to stay aloft gliding rather than under power.
Ethan (Dan's son) wow'd us with some smooth sailing with his plane. Several flights throughout the night and I think he is the only one who did not crash.
Dean "Crash-It" Scott- flew his cub with the latest edition of electronics added. I am totally amazed that he maintains enough power to fly with all of the added electronic gizmo's in place. None the less, his distinctive prop buzzing was heared zipping all around doing some low level passes and even a loop or two.
Much to our amazement, we actually had 4 planes in the air at one time tonight. And this actually lasted more than just a few seconds. Although Dan had some control issues and his plane started wandering towards Bakersfield........Clem sort of kept to himself in a tight spiral at the back of the field, actually it was a good flight for him. And during all of this Dean and I tried to torment each other. I actually heard Dean making machine gun noises as he dropped in behind me and lined me in his sights.....until I thwarted his attempt by crashing my plane! I do believe I heard him laughing as he circled above the wreckage.
I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. It is nice to have the opportunity to share in something this fun with my family and friends.
Until the next "Hop"...................
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Amazing aerial stunts
As we were flying tonight I couldn't help but notice that Curt was sporting some fancy moves with his plane...stuff I didn't think the Wild Hawk could do (no ailerons), or a novice pilot like we both are had the skill and (let's be frank here) the cajones to try. It wasn't until after we had landed that he said that he had no idea how he'd pulled those off. You'd never tell it from looking at him...cool as a cucumber. Great poker face! Or maybe he was just happy (like I am most of the time when I'm flying) that he managed to squeeze out of yet another near catastrophe.
Seriously, it's getting so it really feels like I'm flying...not just hanging on for dear life and hoping something doesn't go wrong. It's a good feeling to be able to plan the next part of your flight instead of just being the slave on the other end of the radio!
See ya in the air soon. We all up for Sat. evening? Pot luck or what?
Seriously, it's getting so it really feels like I'm flying...not just hanging on for dear life and hoping something doesn't go wrong. It's a good feeling to be able to plan the next part of your flight instead of just being the slave on the other end of the radio!
See ya in the air soon. We all up for Sat. evening? Pot luck or what?
Ooooh........The Humanity!
What kind of a world do we live in where a disgruntled club member takes vicious actions against a fellow flier?
Just because I have somewhat of a natural ability to fly my plane- and that I have less crashes to brag about is no reason to interfere with my fly time.....
A warning to all who fly anywhere around Digger when he is in the air......when his manliness is stepped upon and your superior ability to perform acrobatics is evident-BEWARE!
I was flying through the park one day.....In the merry, merry month of may...When much to my surprise, in front of my childrens eyes...........
Much to Diggers surprise, after his plane cartwheeled off my Cranium....I continued my flight uninteruppted and with much poise and grace.
Of course, 3 planes in the air, much craziness going on- and did we think to have someone filming? Of course not.
Otherwise a great Hop with 3 planes in the air and no mid air collisions. Gorrilla Glue time aside, it was a great evening.
Just because I have somewhat of a natural ability to fly my plane- and that I have less crashes to brag about is no reason to interfere with my fly time.....
A warning to all who fly anywhere around Digger when he is in the air......when his manliness is stepped upon and your superior ability to perform acrobatics is evident-BEWARE!
I was flying through the park one day.....In the merry, merry month of may...When much to my surprise, in front of my childrens eyes...........
Much to Diggers surprise, after his plane cartwheeled off my Cranium....I continued my flight uninteruppted and with much poise and grace.
Of course, 3 planes in the air, much craziness going on- and did we think to have someone filming? Of course not.
Otherwise a great Hop with 3 planes in the air and no mid air collisions. Gorrilla Glue time aside, it was a great evening.
Footage Shows "Spaceman" meets minimum EAFC membership criteria
Welcome to our supersonic member, Peter "Spaceman" Tullgren. I, as I'm sure most if not all of us, grew up with Estes model rockets. Its always fun watching these things blast off. Now that Peter is doing launches, we can watch without having to wait at the mailbox (like I did everyday as a kid waiting for the Estes order to come in!)
The first launch I saw proved that the "Spaceman" is cut out to be a part of EAFC...see the following clip:
Launch number 2 went much better:
Welcome to EAFC!
The first launch I saw proved that the "Spaceman" is cut out to be a part of EAFC...see the following clip:
Launch number 2 went much better:
Welcome to EAFC!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Weekend Crash Fest
Looking for interest in a weekend gathering to BBQ and fly. Let me know your availablility over the next few weekends.
Hoping to get the "Club Picture" taken to post on the site, perhaps clem can provide us with his plane on a display board with all the parts labled................
If there is interest, Dean mentioned printable- iron on logos for shirts, if everyone wanted to pitch in for a t-shirt, the "iron on" paper is fairly cheap (less than a dollar a sheet) and the t-shirts can be purchased on line for a couple of bucks.
I will try to be at the Sampsonville Road Flight Line on Saturday. Anyone else around for practice?
See Ya!
Hoping to get the "Club Picture" taken to post on the site, perhaps clem can provide us with his plane on a display board with all the parts labled................
If there is interest, Dean mentioned printable- iron on logos for shirts, if everyone wanted to pitch in for a t-shirt, the "iron on" paper is fairly cheap (less than a dollar a sheet) and the t-shirts can be purchased on line for a couple of bucks.
I will try to be at the Sampsonville Road Flight Line on Saturday. Anyone else around for practice?
See Ya!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Ahem, need a name chage
So here's the low down...two attempts, several crashes, two repairs (the last one major, lots of glue...) and still, I'm not in the flying zone. Not convinced that the pilot is the true problem. Once in the air, the plane refuses to turn left, spirals to the right and eventually meets the dirt (or pavement, in the last case). Oh well, at least it was in the air and I didn't hurt any cars as I dive bombed between 2 in the fire department parking lot.
The damage....extensive.....parts everywhere, nose totally broken off, motor housing destroyed, battery ejected, cockpit somewhere around... I put it all back together, and it appears in better shape then after the first repair...'till the next time...
The damage....extensive.....parts everywhere, nose totally broken off, motor housing destroyed, battery ejected, cockpit somewhere around... I put it all back together, and it appears in better shape then after the first repair...'till the next time...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
A Message From the Wright Brothers
Widely acknowledged as the Ohio bicycle shop owners who spent years and years of monumental perseverance to design, build, and fly the first powered airplane, we here at EAFC should feel honored by the arrival of the following video message from Orville and Wilbur.
Today was pretty windy here and we didn't get much flying time in. I was treated to an early morning model rocket launch by fellow EAFC/EAS member and EMT Peter "Spaceman" Tullgren. I'll try to post some video footage of the "event" soon.
Today was pretty windy here and we didn't get much flying time in. I was treated to an early morning model rocket launch by fellow EAFC/EAS member and EMT Peter "Spaceman" Tullgren. I'll try to post some video footage of the "event" soon.
You might have the planes........
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Before and After (subtitled: God Bless the Inventor of Gorilla Glue)

I have wanted to get into this hobby for years and I've finally gotten started! I owe my continued interest in aircraft and aviation to: 1) my son Ethan who has a keen interest in flying, and will likely be piloting "full-scale" planes in addition to RC someday. His active membership in the Civil Air Patrol and the EAA puts him right in the thick of things when it comes to flying. Watching him fly his Hobbico "Sky Fly" a few weeks ago didn't hurt my enthusiasm either! 2) My friend Alex, who shares a passion for aircraft and aviation. We have each spent countless hours flying FSX and the Pacific Fighters PC sims, and I can usually count on getting an awesome aviation related video link in my email in box every week or so. Now all I gotta do is get him to come on out to the flying field! and 3) Dean "Crash-It" Scott's tenacity and enthusiasm in learning to fly his e-powered heli, and finding the best deals on the constant flow of replacement parts after crashing again and again, yet all the while making it all look like fun. Following the weekly highs and lows of my regular Thursday night EMS partner's RC flying career was a great spectator sport for awhile, but it's much better to be sharing the same airspace!
As for the "Before and After" in the title of this post, I offer the following pics: The first is one my daughter shot of my beloved Wild Hawk before my maiden flight. I was advised by someone on the Wattflyers Forum (BTW an excellent source for ANY info on ANYTHING related to electric-powered RC flying), to make sure to take a picture before flying it!

These shots show what it looks like a couple weeks later. Despite its somewhat ragged appearance, she seems to fly better every time I take her out! I figure I might even be running out of possible places to fit-in any more tape or glue!

Thanks to "Gorilla Glue" CW for getting this blog going. I'm sure that having this central spot to share our photos, ideas, and mistakes (er, "crashes") will make this even more fun for all of us!
One last thing...I spent a little time scouting around the Google sites and I think I figured out how to link to an aerial photo of the field where I fly (when I'm not flying at EAFC's primary "airport" on Sampsonville Rd. in Enosburg Falls. Follow this link: Digger Dan's Flying Field and (wind and weather permitting), meet me there sometime for a couple of laps around the field!
Here we go,,,
Ok, so I haven't flown my airplane yet, but am benefiting from my partners misfortunes. I chose the name smooth sailing, much to their discontent, because I hope to be the one to show them of....probably a big mistake on my part, but what the hell, they say I'm cocky, so why not.
I plan on flying for the first time tomorrow, hope it's a nice day. I will add more after that, good or bad...TaTa for now
I plan on flying for the first time tomorrow, hope it's a nice day. I will add more after that, good or bad...TaTa for now
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hey, It is great to see all you guys interested in RC ing. I have been hooked since I was a kid. Now with my wife giving me my first heli for Christmas I have not stopped thinking about flying or what next mod I can do to the heli"s or now the Super Cub. I have enjoyed flying with "Digger"and I welcome to the club Curtis, Clem and Josh Hope to see you crash soon!!!! sorry I meant Fly soon. LOL. This is the latest mod for my Airplane. Nighttime taxing
It all starts with a dream......
...that Dean thought he could learn how to fly radio control airplanes. Several months later, with the addition of several other "members"- the Enosburgh Ambulance Flying Club was born.
Armed with an array of radio controlled aircraft (low cost thankfully), a field next to the ambulance bay and an abundance of free time- we took to the sky.
Welcome to our version of reality. Probably the best time I have had in years personally, and visibly enjoyed by all participating. To me, this is a warm welcomed stress relief from the harsh reality of working in EMS.
To all that visit, enjoy what you see. Everything is posted with the full intent of humiliating and harassing the current leader of spectacular crashes. To wit: although slightly our of chronological order, today's crashes feature Deans well rehearsed tree landing as well as my first tree landing (also my first day of flight).
Posts and pictures will be made by members on a regular basis, so please check back frequently. Until then- It's time for another "Hop"
Armed with an array of radio controlled aircraft (low cost thankfully), a field next to the ambulance bay and an abundance of free time- we took to the sky.
Welcome to our version of reality. Probably the best time I have had in years personally, and visibly enjoyed by all participating. To me, this is a warm welcomed stress relief from the harsh reality of working in EMS.
To all that visit, enjoy what you see. Everything is posted with the full intent of humiliating and harassing the current leader of spectacular crashes. To wit: although slightly our of chronological order, today's crashes feature Deans well rehearsed tree landing as well as my first tree landing (also my first day of flight).
Posts and pictures will be made by members on a regular basis, so please check back frequently. Until then- It's time for another "Hop"
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