I have wanted to get into this hobby for years and I've finally gotten started! I owe my continued interest in aircraft and aviation to: 1) my son Ethan who has a keen interest in flying, and will likely be piloting "full-scale" planes in addition to RC someday. His active membership in the Civil Air Patrol and the EAA puts him right in the thick of things when it comes to flying. Watching him fly his Hobbico "Sky Fly" a few weeks ago didn't hurt my enthusiasm either! 2) My friend Alex, who shares a passion for aircraft and aviation. We have each spent countless hours flying FSX and the Pacific Fighters PC sims, and I can usually count on getting an awesome aviation related video link in my email in box every week or so. Now all I gotta do is get him to come on out to the flying field! and 3) Dean "Crash-It" Scott's tenacity and enthusiasm in learning to fly his e-powered heli, and finding the best deals on the constant flow of replacement parts after crashing again and again, yet all the while making it all look like fun. Following the weekly highs and lows of my regular Thursday night EMS partner's RC flying career was a great spectator sport for awhile, but it's much better to be sharing the same airspace!
As for the "Before and After" in the title of this post, I offer the following pics: The first is one my daughter shot of my beloved Wild Hawk before my maiden flight. I was advised by someone on the Wattflyers Forum (BTW an excellent source for ANY info on ANYTHING related to electric-powered RC flying), to make sure to take a picture before flying it!

These shots show what it looks like a couple weeks later. Despite its somewhat ragged appearance, she seems to fly better every time I take her out! I figure I might even be running out of possible places to fit-in any more tape or glue!

Thanks to "Gorilla Glue" CW for getting this blog going. I'm sure that having this central spot to share our photos, ideas, and mistakes (er, "crashes") will make this even more fun for all of us!
One last thing...I spent a little time scouting around the Google sites and I think I figured out how to link to an aerial photo of the field where I fly (when I'm not flying at EAFC's primary "airport" on Sampsonville Rd. in Enosburg Falls. Follow this link: Digger Dan's Flying Field and (wind and weather permitting), meet me there sometime for a couple of laps around the field!
I wish I had a "before" picture! For some reason, my plane doesn't look like the picture on the box!!!!
I hope it lasts long enough for me to see you fly it! I've figured out that getting it stuck in a tree or just plain "gone with the wind" is actually a lot easier than doing permanent damage to it through a crash!
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