After having guest Tom Oliver here to launch some rockets a few weeks back, I've been hoping to get out to attend one of his club's (The Champlain Valley Model Rocket Club) big launches. I got to do just that last weekend and have some pics and video to share with you. I don't know much about model rockets, especially the big ones these guys fly, but they are quite a bit more advanced (and bigger!) than the stuff we all have launched in our backyards.
It has been quite awhile since I've posted, despite a lot of activity with the flying hobby. Dean and I still manage to fly just about every day that the weather is accommodating. The recent string of storms has been a pain, but there's still a few "windows" available just about every day.
Today is real windy, but Dean still managed to fly something:
The following is an e-mail form my cousin in New York. He is a talented machinist in the real world and an RC'r on the side. In his "spare" time he builds some pretty neat things. The pictures that follow the e-mail paste are some of them.... ******** Curt. Brother Rick turned me onto your site for the flying club! Good to see kuz has similar interests! The above attachments are of a motor mount I fabricated for a guy in our club! This is a electified GEE BEE! AXI powered! here is a link to our club! , our club is a large one considering our area , we have a flight training program for begginers , our head count is around 100 people , but as you know there is the 10% active ratio! We also have a group of sailplane guys, and lots of electrics (park flyers and the such)! Our club is also responsible for the infamous RHINEBECK JAMBOREE for the last 42 years ! If your gang gets a chance ya should go to this event both rc modellers and full scale antiques fly in a 3 day event! Go to or club site and check out pics, Good to see ya got brenda doig filming TOO! Its only been recent that I've been able to get flight traing in do to some health issues( VERTIGO side effects have kept me grounded ,but we are past that) . Check out some of the old newsletters too! I was the editor for 2 years, the membership director for to and now alls I do is mow,(which I've done for the last 4). Hope to hear from ya GORILLA GLUE MAN! MARK PATTI AND the KIDZ!
Sarah Watson stopped by EAS for a visit on Saturday. She said to say hi to everyone and to give a great BIG thanks to Dean "Crash It" Scott for letting her fly his new T-28 Navy Trainer.
Dean wasn't at quarters at the time so Sarah wasn't able to ask him if she could fly it, but we all said we were sure he wouldn't mind. And even though she's never flown an RC plane before, she did fine, its just too bad I wasn't able to get a picture of the inverted pass she made just inches above the parking lot. Great to see you again Sarah!
My brother sent this link to me last year and I wanted to share it with you. I watch it from time to time and am always touched by the underlying message. I hope that you enjoy the humor and equally appreciate what this video has to say to our hearts.
For me, Independance Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day always touch me with a deep thankfullness for those who have served. Each of us have grown up through different times, through different wars. Each of us probably know someone who has, or is serving our country. Please take the time to thank them for their service.
Please share this video with others. Not only on Independance Day, but share this every day. Not everyone agrees with the political decisions of our country but everyone needs to agree with supporting those who protect our freedom.