Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dan's P-38 ( a tragic Story)

Don't feel that bad for him, He did get 3.8 seconds of air time


Curtis"GorillaGlue"Wood said...

Ironic......3.8 seconds flight....p-38.......38 pieces!?!?!??!?!

I cringed when I heard it crashed. I could hear Dan screaming "All is lost...All is lost".

I was quite surprised when I saw it today at the ambulance bay, nearly back together. Good job Dan!

Look forward to seeing it airborne soon.

Dan Parent said...

Aye, but is was a sweet 3.8 seconds...

Dan Parent said...

Back together, but the next flight is on hold until I exhaust all efforts at finding my Wild Hawk which flew away on me the other day. Oy..

Curtis"GorillaGlue"Wood said...

Went by here a little while ago....should be in Newport by now
