Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Time To Reflect

My brother sent this link to me last year and I wanted to share it with you. I watch it from time to time and am always touched by the underlying message. I hope that you enjoy the humor and equally appreciate what this video has to say to our hearts.

For me, Independance Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day always touch me with a deep thankfullness for those who have served. Each of us have grown up through different times, through different wars. Each of us probably know someone who has, or is serving our country. Please take the time to thank them for their service.

Please share this video with others. Not only on Independance Day, but share this every day. Not everyone agrees with the political decisions of our country but everyone needs to agree with supporting those who protect our freedom.


1 comment:

Dan Parent said...

Excellent. Thanks Curt!