Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ahem, need a name chage

So here's the low down...two attempts, several crashes, two repairs (the last one major, lots of glue...) and still, I'm not in the flying zone. Not convinced that the pilot is the true problem. Once in the air, the plane refuses to turn left, spirals to the right and eventually meets the dirt (or pavement, in the last case). Oh well, at least it was in the air and I didn't hurt any cars as I dive bombed between 2 in the fire department parking lot.
The damage....extensive.....parts everywhere, nose totally broken off, motor housing destroyed, battery ejected, cockpit somewhere around... I put it all back together, and it appears in better shape then after the first repair...'till the next time...


Peter "Spaceman" Tullgren said...

seeing how you fly a plane, your name should have "CRASH" in there somewhere

Dan Parent said...

Let's hook up and try it together. If there is something mal-adjusted on your plane, we'll figure it out. I don't want you getting discouraged, though you may be more than halfway there already!!

H112J said...

Recenter all trims and control arms at the servo with the electronics on and centered. Then check to see if the left inputs cause surface movement. If not you have a bind in a control rod or from the structure of the aircraft, probably from a crash. If you don't find something wrong call me when you fly again so I can watch it lawn dart into the parking lot!

Unknown said...


H112J said...

Clem I usually charge for that info!

Tom O

Dan Parent said...

I checked out your plane tonight (after Dean broke into your locker). Looks to me like all the control surfaces are hooked up right and there is no obvious misalignment of the rudder or elevator. These need to be checked with the power on so the servos are active, but I'm guessing everything should be fine. I did notice that your wheels (and the little plastic cap that held them) are off. When I took my wheels off, I had a devil of a time flying until I started experimenting with putting some weight in the nose. I use coins. The inside of the nose in the plane (in front of the battery area) is hollow. I started with like 6 pennies in there, held in with a piece of sponge (don't glue them in so you can adjust). I have since added 2 nickels and a quarter! Lots of weight, but it flies like new now. Be patient, weight in the nose a little at a time.

BTW, will likely take you up on the ride to EAFC Sat eve. if you have room for my boys as well. I'll call you.

The flying frenchmen said...

Dear Tom O... Haven't seen you on the airstrip yet...heard you use to crash...I mean fly once in a while...will be there Saturday, perhaps you can come and see me dart...